Art and Design Email Form

Request form for Art and Design announcements and news items:

Faculty, student, and alumni accomplishments; exhibitions, visiting artists, lectures, student events, club outings, demonstrations, workshops, public affairs-related events

Please include as much of the following info as possible (full sentences appreciated).

For events or announcements
For faculty, student, alumni accomplishments
If multiple students or alumni are concerned, please list by name and program/graduation year in the description field below
Additional information
Do you want this to appear on the... (check all that apply)
Choose one:
Please submit images via separate e-mail to  Preferably .JPG format, under 2MB each. Include data including such details as title, artist name, and date (if relevant), or student names, event, club name (if relevant), etc. If submitting multiple images, be clear which data/caption accompanies which image.